In 2010, Mario Severin and Patrik Salewski, the clever chaps they are, had but one thing on their minds: to make excellent, world class carpets. And so miinu sprang to life. But carpets? Rugs? What could possibly be interesting about such, well, flatness?
It’s true. We don’t pay nearly as much attention to what is under our feet as we do to, say, what’s around our feet or adorning our neck or wrist. But a carpet doesn’t have to be just a doormat. It can be so much more. A status symbol, a source of enrichment, a friend, an under-foot comfort blanket, relaxation for the eye, inspiration for the soul. Good carpets have to be so good that even God would abseil down to earth to get one. And as you know, God is choosy! He knows his stuff. Not a trick anywhere in the world that He hasn’t seen. Can’t pull one over on Him! But that’s something miinu has never done. They’ve never faked it. No smoke and mirrors here. For them, grasping that second wind and thinking outside of the box has always been more important than flashy first impressions. Because at miinu, they care about quality. In production and in design. Custom-made, original and individual solutions. Severin and Salewski are rolling out the big boys with the new collection SOUL. WORKS. The new editions are free, fresh, bold and infused with every emotion in the world. Because honestly, why copy someone else’s idea when you can think up your own? Exactly. And that’s what you see in miinu carpets. They don’t mess around. It’s about bringing passion and potential down to earth and reconciling modern times with traditional craftsmanship. Carpets that are born of the wildest dreams – but realised, at a very high level, in the realist of realities. miinu. Where soul works.
The world is strange. And beautiful. And strangely beautiful. So are our carpets. Nothing’s safe – at least nothing that’s exceptional. Shapes, colours, styles and craftsmanship.